August 16, 2014

Feeding the hungry...

*Photo credit Angelina Arts*

As I woke up today to the cries of my babes yelling "I'm hungreeee!", I am profoundly made aware that as I make grilled cheese for breakfast (don't ask) that I am simply answering Jesus' call to:

  • Feed the hungry
  • To give drink to the thirsty
  • To clothe the naked
  • To harbour the harbourless
  • To ransom the captive

And then as I go about my minute by minute (or more realistically second by second!) work in the taking care of 4 littles that I CAN operate within the spiritual works of mercy: 

  • To instruct the ignorant 
  • To counsel the doubtful
  • To admonish sinners
  • To bear wrongs patiently - I need a lot of grace for this one!!
  • To forgive offense willingly
  • To comfort the afflicted 

What a beautiful and ever so challenging vocation that I have as mommy. Praying for all of you mommy's out there working within the trenches of His mercies and love!

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning... " Lamentations 3: 22 


  1. Kristin...
    This is a wonderful reminder!!!!!
    Thank you!!!
    Thank you for reminding me that I am not a slacker! : )
    And your babes?! Beautiful.

  2. Beautiful reflection, dear friend. I need to put that on my refrigerator!

  3. This is so great, Maz, I definitely need to be reminded of this when I'm about to lose it!


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