February 26, 2013

Big Bike News

BIG news here in Boda world.
 Drum roll please.... 
Our almost 5 year old Isaac is officially riding a bike on his own. Yea!! We couldn't be prouder of him. Matt has been working with him for awhile now, but it was actually Isaiah who somehow taught him how to take off with no pushing or guiding from an outside person.   

Learning to ride a bike seems like such a pivotal happening in a child's life, going from a little boy to big boy. It is hard to believe that I now have two "big boys" riding bikes. Life is definitely moving forward and though for short moments this brings slight nostalgia and a tear to my eye, I really am just SO grateful to take part in these 5 amazing lives (counting Matt) that God has given to me.  

Here are the pics and a video (which seems to only load on a computer-not iphone for some annoying reason that I can't figure out) to prove that our Isaac is now a riding bike machine. 

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