May 17, 2013

CrossFit Update

Well what can I say, I am officially a part of the gang. And by "a part" I mean I am now out of the so-called-learning-stage and doing the same warm up and workouts as the entire group. Do not be deceived, though. Saying that I am doing the same workout as everyone else, actually means that although I am doing the same moves, they are completely modified for the weak and way out of shape person that I am. As I am huffing away squatting my 35 pounds (this number is including the weight of the bar) while someone else is squatting a mere 200 pounds, I still finish dead last. As in everyone else is in their car driving home and I am still on my last rep of set of 12 summo dead lifts.

But with all that being said, I really, really am liking this whole CrossFit thing! It has pushed me beyond myself. Not just physically, but mentally and I dare say emotionally (for lack of a better word at this exact moment).  It has been completely intimidating for me to walk into the gym each day knowing that the workout is going to push me harder than I have been pushed since becoming pregnant with my first babe almost 7 years ago. I am humbled to show my lack of strength and endurance. (I am also humbled/embarrassed by my oh so not cool workout clothes that kinda make me stick out like a sore thumb, but I think you call that vanity or maybe more appropriate to call it just-go-to-the-store-and-get-some-up-to-date-workout-attire. Anywho that is neither here nor there.)

I know that no one is actually focusing on me or saying to themselves, wow look at that woman who is super slow. I know that they don't even care about what I am doing, because they have bigger and better things to worry about-- uh, like themselves and their own workouts, duh! But even though I know this, it is still so hard to be the one in the kiddie pool barely treading water while wearing an inner tube and floaties, while the others around me are swimming in the deep end like sharks and jumping off the high dive in perfect acrobatic form.

Alas though, pushing beyond myself and coming out of comfort zone are two grand things that CrossFit has done for me in only 2 weeks time. And although walking through the doors knowing that I am low man on the totum pole, walking out those same doors after a hard fought sweaty workout is worth it all.

Ps. Tomorrow's WOD (work out of the day) is a 3.1 mile run. Do I think I will finish, heck yes! But considering I haven't run over a mile in 6 years, it may be pretty ugly. You should be glad you don't have to witness it.


  1. Good for you KristIn! Exercise is so important for mental health :-)

    1. Thanks, Colleen! You are so right. I can't tell you how much better I feel during the day!

  2. Way to go! I don't think I can even run a mile, so you are awesome. I'm *thinking* about joining a gym; I know I need the exercise. And I'm sure I would fit right in w/ all my way-cool FUS t-shirts. ;)

  3. You rock, my friend. You rock.


  4. I am loving these CrossFit updates! I've been thinking about doing it, so I'm enjoying living vicariously through you. Keep 'em coming!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement!! It's pretty addicting, so watch out :).

      Love your blog and all of your words of wisdom. Thank you for being so open and sharing with all of us!

  5. Oh man, I wish I was embarrassing myself (not that you are) with you! I can't believe you are at it every day! Me on the other hand, I can barely waddle down the street! Love you!


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