June 2, 2013

Sunday Best

Linking up with Grace@ Camppatton!!

I sincerely mean this when I say that my Sunday is not complete until I have seen what she (Grace) has worn and how her kids have behaved, so it is only appropriate that she now has this linkup!

As far as the clothes, this thrown together original (HA!) outfit has been in my closet for so long that I don't even remember where some of the items came from.

But just for the sake of the linkup, here is what I do know:
Skirt: Target, bought 4 years ago. Is it still in style? I don't know. But Matt really liked it, which is all that matters (and probably means that it is now out of style!).
Necklace: Teething necklace given to me from my dear friend Theresa and I wear it EVERYDAY with EVERY outfit, because Hopie girl loves to eat it.

Happy Feast of Corpus Christi! I was made aware of the feast day half way into Mass when Matt pointed out that the sequence singing between the 2nd reading and the Gospel was due to the feast. What a great Feast day in celebration of the Eucharist which is what makes us Catholic! My goal this week is to attend a daily Mass and spend alone time with Jesus every day. Pray for me, as I will for you!!

Funny Mass Happening:
Hope spit up all over Matt, leaving a trail of wet, stickiness covering his polo. Being the oh so nice wife that I am, I helped him by wiping all the goo off with a wipe from the diaper bag. Matt then, without my knowing it, threw the WET wipe onto my seat, where I sat down for a couple of minutes before we all got up to receive our Precious Lord in the communion line. When I stood up my entire bottom was covered in wetness, looking like I completely wet my pants. I may have turned a little pink walking in front of my church peers with the looking of pee running down me, but I went ahead in all humility.

Kids Behavior: I do have to say, THANK THE GOOD, GOOD LORD, that my kids have slightly improved their behavior at Mass.

Isaiah and Isaac: A-, Minus for the fact that Isaac pushed the button on Hopes toy TWICE playing its lullubye for all to hear.
Grace: C+, Because she is just plain too loud for my taste.
Hope: A+, Because she is perfect.

Grampa and Gramma are in town from Cleveland, which is so exciting for us. As you can see, Hope was pretty taken by Papa.

All the cousins from North Port came down for Church and pool party. Nothing makes my kiddos happier. 

Now go and visit Grace, for you will never ever be disappointed that you did.


  1. Cute outfit, I never know where my clothes come from because I generally steal them from my daughters. Oh my gosh I about peed laughing with the wet wipe situation... that is so hilarious!

  2. you are a bombshell. I am DYING over the wipe situation. DYING.

    thank you for humoring me -- i was really hoping you would join in!!

  3. I love the skirt, especially the colour. So cheerful and summery. And the wipe thing? If laughing didn't hurt so much right now, I'd be on the floor. This has totally happened to me as well!

  4. I love that skirt too...and the necklace. I need to get one of those teething necklaces...Elsa loves to chew and is totally teething as well.

    LOL at the wipe incident...I'm sure people just through it was sweat (you are in Fl after all) and not pee. Ha!

  5. Bahahaha! The wipe scene is hilarious! Totally something that I would do ;). I need to get one of those teething necklaces one of these days...

  6. Oh my gosh the mass happening is hilarious! The wipe thing sounds like something you would do to Matt which is funny it happened in reverse! I laughed out loud!
    Love the shoes, too!

  7. So cute! I love turquoise! Your hair is beautiful. Your little Hope is precious with her Papa. Looks like you've got two boys and two girls like we do. Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  8. Laughed out loud at this one...great outfit!!

  9. Write, nice comment above! You look great and that teething necklace is so cute!

    1. Haha! I just deleted the comment that was above yours. I think I got hit by the spam comments on my blog, so annoying!

  10. You look so cute! Love that necklace, esp. the fact that it's baby friendly! And that story is too funny- gotta love spit up incidents in public. :)


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